What is an urgent translation?
Urgent translation is a template document translation which needs to be translated and notarized within one day or faster, or when the translation needs to be made at a speed of 10 pages per day.
Documents had to be translated yesterday. Tomorrow I am going on a trip. Meanwhile, documents have not yet been submitted to the translation bureau. We are determined to solve such urgent translation situation. Our goal is to reassure the client, to ensure prompt performance of the services in a timely manner and to repair the inconvenient situation for the client. The best customer is a satisfied customer.
Although we provide urgent translation service, we always advise customers to contact the office as soon as possible. When ordering a translation early, the service will cost less, more time will be spent on translating the document and thoroughly checking it.
Urgent translations may be subject to an additional fee.
Why can we carry out urgent translations the fastest?
We can carry out urgent translations the fastest, because:
- we promptly respond to inquiries
- we accept documents in the most convenient way for you: by post, e-mail, skype, facebook or meeting in the bureau
- we work with more than 200 translators who are always willing to help
- we cooperate with several notary offices
- our office is located in a very convenient location – near the main road “Via Baltica”
- we can send a document shipment to your designated place. You will get translated documents even if you are away.
The fastest way to order an urgent translation
If the document needs to be translated very quickly, we recommend it:
- to send a scanned document by e-mail skubus-vertimai@galerita.lt. Before sending, make sure the document is easily legible.
- If the number of characters in a document can be counted by computer programs, this greatly speeds up the evaluation of the request.
- In the letter, be sure to specify the term and the language in which the document must be translated. Also indicate if notarization or apostille is required.
- After sending the document, call +370 693 15955 and inform about the forwarded request. During the call, you will discuss the remaining conditions: the price, the deadline confirmation, the way the original documents will be presented and returned.
For your convenience, you can contact us in your preferred way: by phone, e-mail, skype, facebook, google+ or linkedin. Bureau contacts can be found in section contacts.
Verčiamų kalbų kombinacijos
Šiuo metu vertimų biuras „Galerita“ verčia iš ir į šias kalbas: lietuvių, anglų, vokiečių, rusų, latvių, lenkų, ukrainiečių, slovėnų, slovakų, čekų, ispanų, italų, prancūzų, rumunų, bulgarų, gruzinų, norvegų, švedų, danų, olandų, estų, graikų, portugalų, turkų, japonų, kinų, arabų kalbas.
Klientai gali užsisakyti bet kurią kalbų kombinaciją vertimui atlikti. Iš vienos užsienio kalbos į kitą verčiame tiesiogiai. Taip užtikriname, jog išversto teksto esmė atitiks originalą.
Vienas iš paslaugos kokybės bruožų – darbų atlikimas laiku. Klientams labai svarbu gauti ne tik kokybiškai išverstą dokumentą, bet ir laiku. Dažnai klientai su išverstais dokumentais vykstą į kitą šalį ir laiku nesuteikta paslauga – klientui reikštų patirtus didžiulius nuostolius.
Visi atlikti darbai yra kruopščiai saugomi. Jeigu nerandate išversto dokumento, parašykite užklausą į info@galerita.lt ir mes jums pakartotinai pateiksime išverstą tekstą.