Stylistic editing – a great way to ensure the quality of content

Stylistic editing – a service, during which the text is checked in accordance with spelling, punctuation, style and computer literacy rules. If the translation is edited, it also checked that the thoughts in the completed translation match the original language thoughts. Stylistic editing is done by a native specialist. If a technical text is edited, the specialist in that specific field also checks the accuracy of the terms used.

Depending on the needs of the client, the stylistic editing service can be simplified, i.e. only part of text is edited. Let’s say, for the customer, the key is to avoid spelling and punctuation errors in the text, and that the printed document looked good. We would then only make partial stylistic editing – we will not check the style and accuracy of thought. The service then also would be faster and cheaper.

It is worth to stylistically edit texts of various kinds, such as promotional materials, articles, technical documents, websites, etc. We recommend stylistic editing of any content that will be distributed to the public. Stylistically-edited text looks more professional and clearer.


Most often our clients order:

  • Stylistic editing of webpage content with ongoing maintenance. After the stylistic editing of the webpage, only newly uploaded content is subsequently edited
  • Promotional or other materials distributed to the public – official letters, flyers, etc. – stylistic editing
  • Stylistic editing of articles and periodicals, which is usually ordered in conjunction with the layout editing service
  • Stylistic editing of presentations and announcements
  • Stylistic editing of description of goods and services
  • Stylistic editing of reports and certificates

We recommend that you make sure the original text is stylistically-edited before translating. Stylistically-edited text content is clearly defined, eliminating ambiguity. Therefore, the translation will be more qualitative and accurate.

We can also stylistically edit your own translated text. If the text is translated qualitatively – we will edit it.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the cost of stylistic editing directly depends on the time it takes to correct the text. The more correctly the text is written – the shorter the editor takes in correcting the errors. Therefore, translated texts are sometimes cheaper to translate again than to edit it stylistically.

Every case is individual. If you have a text that you are planning to distribute publicly – contact us by office contacts and we will advise you on how best to deal with a particular case.

Verčiamų kalbų kombinacijos

Šiuo metu vertimų biuras „Galerita“ verčia iš ir į šias kalbas: lietuvių, anglų, vokiečių, rusų, latvių, lenkų, ukrainiečių, slovėnų, slovakų, čekų, ispanų, italų, prancūzų, rumunų, bulgarų, gruzinų, norvegų, švedų, danų, olandų, estų, graikų, portugalų, turkų, japonų, kinų, arabų kalbas.
Klientai gali užsisakyti bet kurią kalbų kombinaciją vertimui atlikti. Iš vienos užsienio kalbos į kitą verčiame tiesiogiai. Taip užtikriname, jog išversto teksto esmė atitiks originalą.

Vienas iš paslaugos kokybės bruožų – darbų atlikimas laiku. Klientams labai svarbu gauti ne tik kokybiškai išverstą dokumentą, bet ir laiku. Dažnai klientai su išverstais dokumentais vykstą į kitą šalį ir laiku nesuteikta paslauga – klientui reikštų patirtus didžiulius nuostolius.

Visi atlikti darbai yra kruopščiai saugomi. Jeigu nerandate išversto dokumento, parašykite užklausą į ir mes jums pakartotinai pateiksime išverstą tekstą.