Translation confirmation by translation office stamp
Translation confirmation by translation office stamp confirms that the translation has been done at the translation bureau and the translator is familiar with Article 235 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania, which defines the responsibility for the misleading translation. The translated document is bound with the original document or a copy of it, and on the back of the last page, the details of the translation bureau Galerita are recorded, as well as the number of pages, languages from which and into were translated, the date of approval, the office seal and the translator’s signature. The document with the translation confirmation by the signature of the bureau has a weaker legal force in comparison with notarization, but such confirmation is cheaper, faster and more appropriate in the State institutions of the Republic of Lithuania, such as: Court, SODRA, Regitra, Center of Registers, Civil Registry Division, etc. Confirmation of translation by translation bureau’s stamp is also a convenient service, when an official translation is required which will be used internally, in a company.
Prior to ordering a translation with a confirmation by the office signature, it is important for the client to know to which institution will later the translated document be submitted and whether the institution will accept a document confirmed by a office signature, or whether a notarization is required.
The translation office cannot approve other office or client’s independently translated documents with own stamp. In cases where the translation office cannot confirm the translation by stamp, or the document was translated independently by the translator, MB “Galerita” translation agency approves the translation by a office stamp only after a consistent review of the translation and after verifying that there are no errors in the translation. This editing service is paid and its price is determined on a case-by-case basis, but it shall be not less than half of the translation price of the respective language combination translation in writing.
Confirmation of translation by translation office stamp example
Cost of confirmation of translation by translation office stamp
The translation office is responsible for the activities carried out, regardless of whether they are signing the translation. Therefore, the translation by the office stamp is included in the translation price and does not cost our customers extra.
We will confirm the translation by office stamp on the same day as the translation is completed.